Our meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 2pm . Normally held at

Herne Community Centre, School Lane, Herne Bay, Kent, CT6 7AP

However, we do like to get out and about so please check the schedule to be sure:

Forthcoming events
February 10th 2016 - The Benefit of Exercise with Helen Pullen from Active 4 Life
March 9th 2016 - Oxygen Therapy with Sheilagh McCrossan, Respiratory Nurse Specialist
April 13th 2016 - Tai chi with Matthew Brewer

For further information call Sheila on 01227 361994

Saturday, 29 November 2008

Quiz Night Nov 29th 2008

For the second time this year our Quizmaster Tony Newington agreed to donate his time to help us raise some money. Due to the time of year we had a lower attendance but those that went had a really good time as usual and we raised just over £200 to be split between our group and the British Lung Foundation.

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

November 12th 2008

Dr. Simon Dunn a GP from Herne Bay with a special interest in respiratory disease talked to us about coping with difficult weather conditions and to tell us about an 'early warning' service available from the Met Office and a pilot programme in the area where COPD patients were notified about expected cold spells and reminded to stock up on their inhalers. There was a fair bit of interest in this and it turned out that a couple of our members were involved in the pilot, so Dr. Dunn was keen to receive feedback from them.

Also at the meeting I made a presentation to Mollie of two portable Nebulisers purchased with a donation received in memory of Mr. Cyril Flavell. These portable nebulisers will be available to the Whitstable & Tankerton Respiratory team patients for loan for holidays and days out etc..