Our meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 2pm . Normally held at

Herne Community Centre, School Lane, Herne Bay, Kent, CT6 7AP

However, we do like to get out and about so please check the schedule to be sure:

Forthcoming events
February 10th 2016 - The Benefit of Exercise with Helen Pullen from Active 4 Life
March 9th 2016 - Oxygen Therapy with Sheilagh McCrossan, Respiratory Nurse Specialist
April 13th 2016 - Tai chi with Matthew Brewer

For further information call Sheila on 01227 361994

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Beetle Drive

A few days before Easter the group enjoyed a Beetle Drive. Sitting at tables of 3 or 4 we competed to draw the beetle in the fastest time. The first to complete their beetle by getting the right throw of the dice (1 for a head, 2 for a body, and 6 sixes for the legs, etc.) won an Easter Egg and there were a fair few to be won requiring a number of rounds. After each round one person moved on to another table ensuring an afternoon with much mixing and plenty of laughter.