Our meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 2pm . Normally held at

Herne Community Centre, School Lane, Herne Bay, Kent, CT6 7AP

However, we do like to get out and about so please check the schedule to be sure:

Forthcoming events
February 10th 2016 - The Benefit of Exercise with Helen Pullen from Active 4 Life
March 9th 2016 - Oxygen Therapy with Sheilagh McCrossan, Respiratory Nurse Specialist
April 13th 2016 - Tai chi with Matthew Brewer

For further information call Sheila on 01227 361994

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Breathe of Life Choir

We had a terrific time when the Breathe of Life choir c
ame to sing to and with us. After an initial half an hour performance we took an extended break to socialise, have tea and consume the lots of lovely homemade cakes which were made for the occasion. We also had a raffle run by Jim, a competition run by Linda, a ‘guess the number of eggs in the jar’ from me. All that and the ever popular Bring and Buy raised a total of £80 for the meeting, which was brilliant. After the break the choir mingled with the rest of us and we all sang some well known songs like ‘She’ll be coming round the Mountain.’ Everyone who came said they’d had a lovely time and I must thank everyone who contributed to the afternoon and made it such a success.