Our meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 2pm . Normally held at

Herne Community Centre, School Lane, Herne Bay, Kent, CT6 7AP

However, we do like to get out and about so please check the schedule to be sure:

Forthcoming events
February 10th 2016 - The Benefit of Exercise with Helen Pullen from Active 4 Life
March 9th 2016 - Oxygen Therapy with Sheilagh McCrossan, Respiratory Nurse Specialist
April 13th 2016 - Tai chi with Matthew Brewer

For further information call Sheila on 01227 361994

Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Flooding in the Whitstable area

Mr. Ted Edwards an Engineering Manager from Canterbury City Council reminisced with us about the floods of 2000, which were the worst for 200 years. With photographs of the worst affected areas he illustrated how badly hit our area had been and explained many of the reasons that had contributed to the situation. He told us what has been done since then to improve our flood defences including new regulations for new house builds in our area. We were all left hoping we see nothing like it again.

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